Renewable energy sources throughCO2 upcycling

We competently implement your Power-to-X project, from the concept to the turnkey plug-and-play system

Our core technology for the production of renewable energy sources is based on the fluidized bed technology developed by PSI

We support the sustainable use of available resources and are committed to reducing fossilCO2 emissions by substituting fossil fuels. In this way, we are also making a contribution to increasing security of supply.



Hybrid biomethane production from integrated biomass conversion

An innovative approach to large-scale biomethane production is being investigated and tested using wood/waste wood gasification, fluidized bed methanation and high-temperature electrolysis.


Decarbonization of cities and regions with renewable gases

It examines the role of renewable gases in the decarbonization of cities and regions in order to achieve the net-zero target by 2050.

From the coffee break to Swiss SynFuels


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